Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What I've been eating sleeping and breathing

My brother and sister and I have been working non-stop on the sister project, for which we are now test-driving the name "Trudy Chase". We actually have a deadline because Brian will be going on tour in January, but this is good because we need the fire under our butts! So we've been thinking of names, planning the live show, working on the image, recording, and getting really excited!! The name thing has been hard though... we can't find anything that's perfect and the ones that we've really liked have been taken. Trudy Chase is the title of a song that my mom's 90s rock band played. We thought it sounded pretty cool for a band. The basic idea of the group is two sisters playing 2 pianos and sharing vocals, lots of harmony and such, kinda a pop, jazz, r&b thing, kinda retro vibe.. Right now it's a lot of the songs i already do but we're just adding in another person. Anyway, the vision that we have for it is, i'm not gonna lie, pretty freakin sick. I can't give away anymore of our secrets though, you'll just have to wait and see.

Also, i am getting a new phone for my birt-day! woo!

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