Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm not going to talk about the election.

Well, i'll just say one thing, thank God it's over cause my head was about to explode from bullshit overload.

So, I think I need to rename this blog "The Sylvia Chronicles" cause pretty sure thats all i talk about now.. I promise I'm not usually like this, I'm not a freaky pet owner. Although my sister and I joke that i am a "cat mom".. Generally, she just does her thing and i do mine and sometimes we cuddle.. But now that she's gone it really sucks! Anyway, here's the story i was prefacing: Yesterday morning I get an email saying that someone found a grey cat downtown and he sent a picture and it looked almost exactly like Sylvie. I was so excited, but there were a few things that didn't completely fit with his description. And it would have been pretty far for her to travel in just a week.. But I went to see. And was disappointed. And am now back to clueless and guilty.

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