Monday, May 11, 2009

Let there be light..

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I hope you had a lovely weekend and that your mothers enjoyed their days yesterday. I think my mom did. Well, the second half at least. I got over to her house at around 4 and she was in a bit of a funk. She said that Mother's Day is usually pretty disappointing (wow I'm a terrible daughter)and then she started crying. Happy Mother's Day. Actually, we just got onto a subject that she got a little emotional about. But then we made chocolate-covered strawberries and went for a walk. Then my brother and sister came and we had dinner- taco salad with Katie's famous "Rock-amole"- and presents and such. I think she liked that part. Overall, not too shabby I hope. She is actually going through a bit of a hard time right now so I hope we did something to lighten things up, if only for a day.

In other news- very exciting news that is- I am pleased to announce that I have a progress report on the apartment! So this weekend... well, how about I just explain it in a thousand words?

On your mark..

Get set..


Then we had a little private concert by a member of the band Love and Theft. It was pretty spectacular.

So, now we are waiting on the maintenance guy to come lay the quarter round trim. I don't think he's gonna get to it all that soon, however, so I think I'm going to set up the living room without it and then just have to move everything again when he comes..

This evening I am picking up 2 very exciting Craig's List finds- This ikea jute 6X8rug for $50
and this ikea table for $25

Here's a bit more detail on the plan for our apartment. I didn't have a sofa when we first moved in so I had this idea- partly as a solution to my sister and I sharing a one bedroom and partly cause I thought it was a unique idea- to make a "sofa" out of twin mattresses (so I could sleep in the living room but it would still look like a living room). It was an idea I got out of an issue of my beloved Domino Magazine (RIP). In the magazine it was a sort of play room and a much larger space than what we have, and they had used 3 sets of twin mattresses (we are going to just use 2) to form an L shaped sofa. So when we moved in I set my twin mattress and box on the floor and made a box around it with wood that I painted white (see?). I used large pillows to form a "back" of the sofa. I never bought the second set of mattresses, though, because I kept changing my mind about what I wanted to do. Some days I wanted to just get a regular sofa, and then I had this idea to make a back to just the one with shelves... BUT now I am sure and I am going to follow through. Its back to the original idea. It will be in the corner of the room that has no windows and it will be a little cove of fluffy white pillows and yumminess. I will paint the box around the bottom the same color as the floor so it will almost seem trimmed out. I think it will have a really cool lofty feel. The TV will be right at the end of one of the sofas on a rolling cart (its a very small flat TV). Then across the room, right under the windows will be the new table and 2 chairs. The chairs are very rustic so I think it will be a cool contrast with the stark mod table. Where the rest of the stuff is going is a little up in the air but there will probly be a small desk and a shelf somewhere. The feel will be open and bright and comfy and airy. A lot of white with fun pops of color.
Here are a few pictures that inspire me.


Ok, well thats all the update I have on Project 208 for right now. I will put up pics soon of the new stuff I'm getting tonight!

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