Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fat Kid-alicious

You probably know that I work part time as a receptionista. I answer the phones and receive packages and greet the few people that come in. That's what I do with about 1/10th of my time here. The rest is spent blogging, online shopping, facebooking, reading, or trying to be productive with personal stuff. Occasionally someone will come by to brown-nose someone in the company and they'll entrust me to deliver the goodie(s) and/or card(s). I smile, thank them and wait for the elevator door to shut behind them before inspecting the package and devising a plan to extract my "commission". In order for me to partake unnoticed, the package must be resealable (a box, a tin can or some that ties shut)and the treats must be in multiples (cookies, candies, not a box of chocolates, not a cake.. you get it). If I find that I can take a reasonable amount out, undetected, you better believe i do. So today when a local hotel rep dropped a little Valentine's treat off for ol' Susan, I was delighted to see that the plastic resealable container contained M&Ms. Piece a cake. So I had a few. Then a few more. Then just a couple more... And now, well, it looks like someone at the hotel didn't buy enough M&Ms... So tell me first of all, how fat kid is this, and second, how wrong would it be to eat them all and throw away the container and just give her the card?? yeah, i know.... VERY fat kid and quite wrong. ok ok.

*Update: Just to let you know, i just called her to let her know they're up here. happy now?

*Final Update: She just came up here to get them and I think she was a little suspicious... she looked at the can funny and said, "hmm, that's odd." I shrugged. Then she offered me some and I said, "sure, thanks!"

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