Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm a vegetarian. But I'm a bad vegetarian. I am kinda lax on fish. When I first became a veg, I didn't eat fish but slowly I started eating it again here and there. The reasons for this are that cans of tuna are cheap and i'm broke. It also opens up options for eating out and at people's houses. I don't eat much at all other than those few times though. My sister is a vegan. She sent me this today. It's not as gross as other peta videos but still be careful if you have a weak stomach. For some reason I'm not that moved by the first section. Maybe it's unfair to feel bad for land animals and not for sea animals but it just doesn't get me as much. The second part (i think that's the part on your health..?) got me thinking though. I definitely have trouble with depression and as of late, trouble sleeping. And I realized, watching this video- and this may or may not be a coincidence- but I hadn't been buying tuna at all for several months until recently and I also had not had my typical minor depression bouts until recently. So I think I may try and go off fish just to see if it helps. Why not? I don't eat much of it anyway..

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