Friday, June 19, 2009

Artist's Statement

I'm studying my art books and I've got it on the brain. I thought I would share something I wrote a couple weeks ago in my little journal thing that I keep with me. I was trying to begin a rough draft or at least get some ideas down in preparation for writing an "artist's statement". I recently learned that this is something artist's do when displaying a collection. Since I am hopefully going to be doing just that very soon, I thought I'd give it a try. I was recommended to begin with an explanation of my philosophy behind creating art, or something to that effect. I just started writing and this came out.

May 29, 2009

When I encounter certain things- things that I find beautiful or intriguing or nostalgic or even disturbing- and I feel them soak into me and move inside my skin and my bones and my stomach, stirring up my insides until I think I may burst, I call it inspiration. Painting, for me, is releasing these things back into the world in a new form. My art is an amalgamation of everything I've ever seen, felt, and heard. It's as innate and necessary as the digestion of food. The consumption and processing of the beauty of the world.

Well, anyways, its a start. I say 'thing' a lot at first.. but I couldn't figure out a better word cause I didn't want to limit it to images, sounds, or anything specific like that. Also, i am sorta comparing my art to poop. hmm.

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