Friday, June 19, 2009


"Art is the desperate attempt to recreate that which we cannot capture."
-me (who the eff quotes themself? loser...)

As you know, last week I started an internship with an interior designer. So far, it's still going well, except for the fact that I was working until 11pm last night and at least 5 hours of the day was spent helping my boss detail her car. But, its ok, it's all part of the deal. I'm learning a lot. It's free school. Anyway, in my interview I brought a small portfolio of art projects that I did a couple years ago when I worked for another interior design firm but not my personal art- the painting I've been doing. My boss wants to see that stuff so I started taking pics of everything yesterday and while I was at it I figured I might as well get out some older stuff and take pics of that too. I took most of them on my digital camera but then it froze for a while (awesome.) so I took the rest with my phone. Anyway, point is- I thought I'd post some of the older stuff, just for fun.
Here's a self portrait that I did when I took a drawing class at ACC- one of the only college classes I've taken. I think this was probably charcoal..?
Compare that to a recent self portrait sketch (that is now a painting- this is not the finished product- I'll show you that one sometime). This was charcoal too (i think.. isn't it sad that i forget the mediums?)
you know what I just noticed looking at these two? I think I'm a little too nice to myself when it comes to my nose.. haha really though, i try to be as accurate as possible in drawing myself- or anyone actually- but still i think i make my nose a little smaller than it is.. interesting.. i hadn't noticed that before..
Anyway, next- here are a couple still-life drawings also from my college days (haha yeah i can't really say that...) To be honest, I've kinda forgotten what all the different pencils and charcoal and graphite things are called- i have a ton of them and i always just mix em up, so the medium is um, all of the above. the skull is probably charcoal and the plates are probably graphite..


I loved that class.. probably because, well, I guess since it's my blog i'm allowed to just be honest and say, i was by far the best in the class. I really don't even think that's bragging because when you're doing a real life drawing of a still life- where the point is to copy whats in front of you- then it's just like, ok, who's looks the most like whats sitting in front of you? ok. anyway, enough of that.. you egotist. if that's not a word I'm making it one. ok, hrm, moving right along..
Here's one of my first paintings- from 10th grade I think.
Here are a couple small ones that I did a few years ago.. i don't really like these that much actually but it was when i first started really wanting to paint


Lets see.. is there anything else worth showing... oh, here's one- this is also from my drawing class but I thought it was a kind of cool random thing to draw so I recently cropped and framed it, using the inside of a piece of cardboard, the corrugated part, painted, as the "matte".. it was a cool idea but i need glass for the frame cause it looks sloppy without it..

So there you have it. A little bit of the history of my art. And might I add, these are all for sale. haha, pretty sure only 2 people read this... so um, Heather, you got your checkbook out? I'll give you a bff discount! :) just kidding.... about the discount, not about the other stuff.. and I'm just kidding again! oh gosh, someone stop me...
Ok, I'd like to conclude this post by bringing us up to date with my very most recent painting. (might do more to the background but its at least very close to being done..)

1 comment:

Heather said...

You're so talented it makes me want to punch you in the face.

