Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife by the millions in order to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billions and eats them. This in turn kills man by the millions, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative--and fatal--health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth."
--Preface from Old MacDonald's Factory Farm, by C. David Coates
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The YouTube-Off
You know what I'm talking about.. The YouTube battle.. it goes like this:
"oh man! you gotta see this video! it's hilarious-"
"hilarious! ...oh dude, check out this one-"
"thats ridiculous! but watch this."
"ok, take this-"
"heh.. well you gotta see this one its funnier than anything you've EVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE-"
"hrrmmm.. I guess.. But not as funny as THIS!"
I swear there's some law of nature that says one YouTube video cannot be played alone. I can't stand it.
But since I own this blog I can do what I want and I'm going to show you 2 videos in a row and not watch any of yours. ha.
first up.. appparently this is the voice of a guy alone in a room on an acid trip.. and it freaking cracks me up...
And THIS one is a good example of a follow-up. Funny, but not funny enough to show EVERYONE at a party or something.. So if you're not at a party, watch this and you'll probly laugh. plus the guy's cute.
So there.
"oh man! you gotta see this video! it's hilarious-"
"hilarious! ...oh dude, check out this one-"
"thats ridiculous! but watch this."
"ok, take this-"
"heh.. well you gotta see this one its funnier than anything you've EVER SEEN IN YOUR LIFE-"
"hrrmmm.. I guess.. But not as funny as THIS!"
I swear there's some law of nature that says one YouTube video cannot be played alone. I can't stand it.
But since I own this blog I can do what I want and I'm going to show you 2 videos in a row and not watch any of yours. ha.
first up.. appparently this is the voice of a guy alone in a room on an acid trip.. and it freaking cracks me up...
And THIS one is a good example of a follow-up. Funny, but not funny enough to show EVERYONE at a party or something.. So if you're not at a party, watch this and you'll probly laugh. plus the guy's cute.
So there.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dear My Body,
Look, I'm really sorry about this past week but I wanted to let you know that I do appreciate you taking one for the team. Mind and Spirit thank you. They really needed it. I know you worked hard night and day to process the alcohol and junk food and to keep up with the eratic schedule. I know your were confused as to why there was more beer flowing than water, why you were forced to keep tired legs moving into the wee hours of the morning, and why you had to scour cheese quesadillas for any usable nutrients with which to do so. I'm sorry that when you needed water, I gave you gin, and when you cried out for a bed, I gave you a dance floor. You needed vegetables and well.. at least you got a couple Luna bars right? Ok, i know.. not enough.. I know that your requests for rest were denied and quieted with lattes and Red Bulls. Truly, I am sorry, you know I don't make a habit of this but I have to try and please everyone and well, Mind was going a little stir-crazy. She felt old and needed a good exercize of her youth. And come on, you had a good time right? Well, Mind is feelin good. Spirit is feeling free. We're all feeling alive. Now I know you think we take everything you have to do to keep us that way for granted but I promise we don't. To prove it, the next few days, its all about you. You're gonna get vegetables! and sleep! and water! and vitamins! you're gonna love it. How's this sound- a little steamed veggies over brown rice, a movie on the sofa just before a 9 pm bedtime, a brisk walk in the morning, fresh juice and maybe even a nap or 2. How's that sound huh? And I promise no more craziness til.. at least next weekend.
Thanks again,
ps. oh and sorry also about having you stabbed with a needle for an hour and a half and injected with ink.. but I promise you'll be ok. you already look cooler.
Thanks again,
ps. oh and sorry also about having you stabbed with a needle for an hour and a half and injected with ink.. but I promise you'll be ok. you already look cooler.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Goin crazy crazy crazy..
...just a-thinkin about you babbaaaayyyy
um, anyway.
I feel very stressed right now but I can't figure out what to do about it. I was supposed to leave for Texas the day after tomorrow but now I am leaving tomorrow morning.. I feel like I have a bunch of stuff to do but can't figure out what it is or how to use my time at work to get anything done! I'm not even sure what it is that i feel like I have to get done before I leave.. I think it's a bunch of stuff that I was planning on doing but that doesn't necessarily have to be done before I leave.. The only thing that really has to be done is that I have to pack.. The other things that I was wanting to do are: 1) get my lip pierced, which I have been waiting to go with Tawni and she has been waiting on the tattoo artist to draw up her tattoo and it was possibly gonna be done today but maybe not til tomorrow, but now tomorrow will be too late. 2) Get my hair done. The story on this is that I really wanted to get it colored before the trip but my friend who does my hair wasn't getting back to me so I got impatient last night and picked up a box and did it myself.. bad idea. it doesn't look bad but it's just not the color I wanted AT ALL. way darker than i was going for. So I talked to her yesterday and she's gonna let me know when she can fit me in to fix it.. but it pretty much has to be today BUT i don't get off til 5.. yeah. 3) I need to go to the store and buy some things for the trip but I don't get paid til tomorrow- oh that's another thing in this whole situation- I have zero dollars til tomorrow so I was planning on doing ALL OF THIS tomorrow! Sooo... It's really not a big deal, I can shop when we get into town or wednesday morning as we head out.. 4) I wanted to get one painting done or at least started before I left. thats not gonna happen.
How is one day making such a big difference?? Somehow it is. What will probably end up happening is this- Courtney (hair girl) won't have time today (and even if she does, remember? no money! i'd have to write her a check..), Tawni's tattoo artist won't be done by today, I'll go home and pack and then leave for my trip tomorrow with ugly hair, wondering what I was stressing out about. :) just like that. but for now, it just feels very out of control.
um, anyway.
I feel very stressed right now but I can't figure out what to do about it. I was supposed to leave for Texas the day after tomorrow but now I am leaving tomorrow morning.. I feel like I have a bunch of stuff to do but can't figure out what it is or how to use my time at work to get anything done! I'm not even sure what it is that i feel like I have to get done before I leave.. I think it's a bunch of stuff that I was planning on doing but that doesn't necessarily have to be done before I leave.. The only thing that really has to be done is that I have to pack.. The other things that I was wanting to do are: 1) get my lip pierced, which I have been waiting to go with Tawni and she has been waiting on the tattoo artist to draw up her tattoo and it was possibly gonna be done today but maybe not til tomorrow, but now tomorrow will be too late. 2) Get my hair done. The story on this is that I really wanted to get it colored before the trip but my friend who does my hair wasn't getting back to me so I got impatient last night and picked up a box and did it myself.. bad idea. it doesn't look bad but it's just not the color I wanted AT ALL. way darker than i was going for. So I talked to her yesterday and she's gonna let me know when she can fit me in to fix it.. but it pretty much has to be today BUT i don't get off til 5.. yeah. 3) I need to go to the store and buy some things for the trip but I don't get paid til tomorrow- oh that's another thing in this whole situation- I have zero dollars til tomorrow so I was planning on doing ALL OF THIS tomorrow! Sooo... It's really not a big deal, I can shop when we get into town or wednesday morning as we head out.. 4) I wanted to get one painting done or at least started before I left. thats not gonna happen.
How is one day making such a big difference?? Somehow it is. What will probably end up happening is this- Courtney (hair girl) won't have time today (and even if she does, remember? no money! i'd have to write her a check..), Tawni's tattoo artist won't be done by today, I'll go home and pack and then leave for my trip tomorrow with ugly hair, wondering what I was stressing out about. :) just like that. but for now, it just feels very out of control.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Project 208
I think I may start using this blog to chrono.. um, chronolo... chronologize? is that a word? anyway, I'm gonna keep track of everything that I'm doing to my apartment. Here's why-
Last week, Mere decided to investigate into what was lying beneath our old, stained, disgusting carpet and so she lifted up a corner in the hall and "aaahhhhh" (angelic chorus), there was beautiful hardwood floors. So we got our landlord's permission to rip it all up and we said we'd do whatever finishing was needed on the floors. So a-ripping we went until we discovered why the carpets had been laid on top of such marvelous floors- a marvelous green and white [freehand] painted checkerboard pattern. If I had a name and location for whoever did this, I swear I would kill them... or at least call them a retard and throw something at them... or paint them with green and white checkers and say "how do YOU like it?? huh??" Seriously? So now, my house looks like this:

Its ok though cause I would pretty much take ANYTHING over the carpet that we had. We couldn't even walk barefoot or our feet would eventually be black. I know. gross.
I have always loved interior design. i worked in the field a couple years ago and I loved it. Now though, I am very broke so it makes it a challenging thing to create the feeling that I would like to in my space. But I welcome it. My new floors (however bizarre) have re-ignited the fire and excitement I had when I initially moved into my place (because flooring aside, i think its a very cool place). So i think I will start keeping you updated on the process of turning a tiny, shared, green and white checkered, yellow linoleum-ed, creaking, cracking, upstairs apartment into a cove of artistic inspiration, interest, warmth and cozy-ness. AND you'll see just how cheap I can be in doing the whole thing! I'm calling it Project 208.
So there's picture number one. (pardon the mess!)
And soon I'll take more pics get you up to speed on what in going on in it so far.
Last week, Mere decided to investigate into what was lying beneath our old, stained, disgusting carpet and so she lifted up a corner in the hall and "aaahhhhh" (angelic chorus), there was beautiful hardwood floors. So we got our landlord's permission to rip it all up and we said we'd do whatever finishing was needed on the floors. So a-ripping we went until we discovered why the carpets had been laid on top of such marvelous floors- a marvelous green and white [freehand] painted checkerboard pattern. If I had a name and location for whoever did this, I swear I would kill them... or at least call them a retard and throw something at them... or paint them with green and white checkers and say "how do YOU like it?? huh??" Seriously? So now, my house looks like this:

Its ok though cause I would pretty much take ANYTHING over the carpet that we had. We couldn't even walk barefoot or our feet would eventually be black. I know. gross.
I have always loved interior design. i worked in the field a couple years ago and I loved it. Now though, I am very broke so it makes it a challenging thing to create the feeling that I would like to in my space. But I welcome it. My new floors (however bizarre) have re-ignited the fire and excitement I had when I initially moved into my place (because flooring aside, i think its a very cool place). So i think I will start keeping you updated on the process of turning a tiny, shared, green and white checkered, yellow linoleum-ed, creaking, cracking, upstairs apartment into a cove of artistic inspiration, interest, warmth and cozy-ness. AND you'll see just how cheap I can be in doing the whole thing! I'm calling it Project 208.
So there's picture number one. (pardon the mess!)
And soon I'll take more pics get you up to speed on what in going on in it so far.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I haven't written in a week! oops..
Here are a couple of things for you while I gather my thoughts:
"[Nashville is] a transition town... It moves like a dream. Changes constantly."
and this:
Here are a couple of things for you while I gather my thoughts:
"[Nashville is] a transition town... It moves like a dream. Changes constantly."
and this:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Emotional Allergies
"It's almost like you're hiding something in plain sight... you're putting your feelings out there, but people are really only picking up on their own."
-My bff-eva, Heather Smith, hitting the nail on the head in describing the intimacy of songwriting in her first ever interview! (thanks for putting that into words! you are so right!) Read more charm, brilliance and wit here. (this is actually quite funny to me because i'm pretty sure she's the only one that reads this.)
So good mornian everyone. That's how Jay Z says good morning to Beyonce. I'm pretty sure. Well, I have some news to report. Last night, Ol' Boy and I broke up on disappointingly mutual terms. Apparently he didn't realize that you're not supposed to give up something like this so easily [points up and down at self]. But I've always known he has a lot to learn. I just hope it doesn't hit him to hard when he realizes what he's done. For me though, it's definitely a good thing. Truth is, I really don't date very much, therefore, I don't break up very much and you know what? It kinda sucks. It's like someone took all my least favorite emotions and made prison mush out of them and then made me eat it. And then I choked on it. Ok maybe not the choking.. i mean lets be honest i'm not that upset. You know when something happens that you expect to be upset about and so you kinda brace yourself for the emotions? you let it settle for a moment and you think "am i gonna cry about this?"... and waiting... welp, guess not. too bad.. that coulda been a good cry. oh well.. oh yay there's a top model marathon on! yeah you know that whole deal. But even though I couldn't care enough to cry, there was still this annoying pressure- like emotional allergies. I'm functional but annoyed.
I also have this little problem called being extremely competitive. This is a strange and interesting factor when it comes to relationships because it gives a feeling of failure in a situation like this. And when i feel like I've failed I have to try again. I have to fix it and I have to win. That was a strange sensation while trying to wallow in break up self pity- feeling like going out, getting another one, and trying again. I'm a weird one. That desire is mostly gone today, thank God. I am feeling relieved of that stressful and confusing relationship and delighted to be back on the field where I belong. Should be a good week.
-My bff-eva, Heather Smith, hitting the nail on the head in describing the intimacy of songwriting in her first ever interview! (thanks for putting that into words! you are so right!) Read more charm, brilliance and wit here. (this is actually quite funny to me because i'm pretty sure she's the only one that reads this.)
So good mornian everyone. That's how Jay Z says good morning to Beyonce. I'm pretty sure. Well, I have some news to report. Last night, Ol' Boy and I broke up on disappointingly mutual terms. Apparently he didn't realize that you're not supposed to give up something like this so easily [points up and down at self]. But I've always known he has a lot to learn. I just hope it doesn't hit him to hard when he realizes what he's done. For me though, it's definitely a good thing. Truth is, I really don't date very much, therefore, I don't break up very much and you know what? It kinda sucks. It's like someone took all my least favorite emotions and made prison mush out of them and then made me eat it. And then I choked on it. Ok maybe not the choking.. i mean lets be honest i'm not that upset. You know when something happens that you expect to be upset about and so you kinda brace yourself for the emotions? you let it settle for a moment and you think "am i gonna cry about this?"... and waiting... welp, guess not. too bad.. that coulda been a good cry. oh well.. oh yay there's a top model marathon on! yeah you know that whole deal. But even though I couldn't care enough to cry, there was still this annoying pressure- like emotional allergies. I'm functional but annoyed.
I also have this little problem called being extremely competitive. This is a strange and interesting factor when it comes to relationships because it gives a feeling of failure in a situation like this. And when i feel like I've failed I have to try again. I have to fix it and I have to win. That was a strange sensation while trying to wallow in break up self pity- feeling like going out, getting another one, and trying again. I'm a weird one. That desire is mostly gone today, thank God. I am feeling relieved of that stressful and confusing relationship and delighted to be back on the field where I belong. Should be a good week.
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